How are our broadcasts convenient?

There is no doubt that video conferencing is the main communication element of an online event. It is the only virtual service that replicates offline by 80%. When creating DEEP Platform, we wanted to "pump up" the online broadcasting service as much as possible. So we made the online service editor, LIVE commentator, a service for creating infographics (read more about this in the publication The Magic of Broadcasting).

But, introducing new "features" and wow options, it is important not to forget about the simple usability of the service. What factors allow us to call broadcasts on the DEEP Platform site a convenient communication tool?

Let's start with the fact that the platform easily integrates with all external video conferencing services. YouTube, Zoom, Proficonf, Skype, Uberconference... - choose the option you're used to in your work environment. We are for the translation of the event online, which was the most comfortable for the employees.

Every office worker has the right to equip his workplace as it is convenient for him. It is fair to extend this rule to the online format as well. Users of the online event platform choose the type of broadcast window themselves. Do you like the speaker? You can enlarge the window to see him better. Do you want to enter another section during the broadcast (e.g. chat to reply to a colleague), but at the same time not fall out of the broadcast? Keep watching the video conference in collapsed mode.

As English statesman George Savile said, "A man watches himself best when others watch him too." Agree. The words said in the 17th century sound especially relevant now: an employee working from home is always tempted to be less included in corporate processes. Our service for organizing online events takes care of participants' activity, including during broadcasts. You can't just turn on a video conference and go to another room to mind your own business. The attention control service periodically asks the audience stop questions about the passed material. And after each broadcast, the platform is sure to ask the audience if they liked it and how interesting the speaker was?

The DEEP Platform team was with you.
Do online broadcasts with us!
2022-04-15 16:35